✔ Present Perfect Tense Rumus Pola Dan Excercise

Present Perfect Tense Rumus Contoh Dan Excercise

 Present Perfect Tense Rumus Contoh Dan Excercise ✔ Present Perfect Tense Rumus Contoh Dan Excercise


Bismillahiwabihamdih,, Hi.. ? Bagaimana kabarnya semua pengunjung setia www.rinjanischool.blogspot.com yang semoga tetap dalam hidup yang serasi dan fit dalam keseharian sehingga apapun yang rekan-rekan rinjanischool lakukan niscaya maksimal jikalau kesehatan selalu dijaga. Dan besar cita-cita kami semoga semunya juga selalu dalam lindungan Allah SWT serta apa yang rekan-rekan rinjanischool lakukan hari ini menjadi asbab kita mendapat Ridho dan Inayah NYA. Aminnn.

Baiklah rekan-rekan Karya rinjanischool pada kesempatan ini kita akan membagikan perihal present perfect tense yang mungkin kemarin belum mengetahui dan kini setelah membaca artikel ini sobat pribadi faham.


Rumus Present Perfect Tense

(+)   S + have/has + V-3 + O
(-)    S +-have/has + not + V-3 + 0 
(?)    Have/has + S + V-3 + O?

Contoh :
(+)   We have visited him.
(-)    we have not/haven’t visited him 
(?)    Have we visited him?

1.             Kalimat Tanya (interrogative)

Kalimat tanya (interrogative) dibuat dengan menempatkan "have/has" di depan kalimat. dalam kalimat tanya, kata kerja selalu dalam bentuk past participle.
·    Has your brother got a job? (Apakah saudaramu sudah mendapat pekerjaan?)
·  Have you made a decision where you will continue your study? (Apakah kau sudah menciptakan keputusan ke mana kau akan meneruskan kuliahmu?)

2.             Kalimat menyangkal (negative)

Kalimat menyangkal (negative) dibuat dengan menambahkan "not" setelah "have/ has'' (have not/haven't, has not/hasn't) dan ditempatkan setelah subjek kalimat.
·         I have not/haven't done my report for this week. (Saya belum mengerjakan laporan saya untuk minggu ini.)
·         She has not hasn't typed the weekly report. (Dia belum mengetik laporan mingguan itu.)
·     Father has not/hasn't paid his installment for this month. (Ayah belum membayar cicilamrya untuk bulan ini.)
3.             Kesesuaian subject dan auxiliary verb di tenses ini yaitu sebagai berikut :

HAVE digunakan oleh subject I, you, we, dan they. HAS digunakan oleh subject she, he, dan it.

4.             Keterangan waktu yang biasa digunakan dalam tenses ini adalah
·                Already       :           sudah
·                for               :           Selama
·                since            :           Sejak
·                ever             :           Pernah
·                just             :            Baru saja
·                recently      :            Baru-baru ini

Penggunaan present perfect tense

1.Present perfect tense digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu insiden atau peristiwa yang terjadi pada waktu lampau dan masih berlangsung sampai sekarang.

·  We have occupied this house for seven years. (Kami sudah menempati rumah ini selama tujuh tahun)
·  My brother has studied English for seven months. (Saudara saya sudah berguru bahasa Inggris selama tujuh bulan)
2. Present perfect tense digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu insiden atau peristiwa yang terjadi pada waktu lampau dan masih ada hubungannya dengan waktu kini atau akibatnya sanggup dilihat/dirasakan sekarang.

Contoh :
·         My father has bought a new car. (Ayah saya sudah membeli sebuah mobil baru)
·         Brenda has passed from senior high school. (Brenda sudah lulus dari sekolah menengah atas)
3.  Present perfect tense juga digunakan dengan "this morning, this afternoon, today, this week, this month, this year" untuk menunjukkan bahwa sesuatu kejadian atau perbuatan telah dilakukan berulang kali.

Latihan Soal Present Perfect Tense

Put the following sentences into Present Perfect Tense. Use the words in parentheses!

1.             They … (complete) the new building.
2.             Father … (buy) a new car for his son.
3.             My secretary… (post) the letters.
4.             Mr. Smith … (sell) one of his cars.
5.             I believe that they … (transfer) the money.

Put the following sentences into negative!

  •  Our translators have translated this novel into Indonesian.
  •  All of them have left the tiny village.
  • One of my classmates has just celebrated her birthday.
  • They have abandoned the burning ship.

Put the following sentences into interrogative!

1.             I have contacted his manager three times today.
2.             They have printed this best seller novel three times this year.
3.             We have occupied this new house for two months.
4.             My sister has visited our grandfather at this village many times.
5.             This old city has changed a lot since I left it thirty years ago.


'My name's Charlotte. I'm married to John. We have two children, Stephen and Sylvia. My mum's name is Theresa ami my father is called Alan. I have two sisters and a brother - Emily, Rebecca and Michael.

Emily's married to Craig and they have a son called Freddie and twin daughters, Lizzie and Vicky.'

 Present Perfect Tense Rumus Contoh Dan Excercise ✔ Present Perfect Tense Rumus Contoh Dan Excercise

What do they all say about family life? Choose the correct word        for each gap.

aunt                     cousin                daughter            grandchildren



My (a) son         , Michael, is teaching me to use a

computer. I want to get on the Internet.
It was my birthday last week. My

(b)                            Freddie made me a big chocolate

My (c)                            Michael is great. He always buys

me the best computer games.
I've got three (d)                          and two

(e)                          . Christmas is a very expensive time for

My (f)                            's family is really nice. Her

(g)                            , Theresa, is great with the children.
Emily is always very tired. Her (h)                             ,

Craig, never helps her with the twins.
My (i)                            Emily is quite fat.
I hate my (j)                            , Lizzie and Vicky. They cry

all the time. My (k)                             , Stephen, is cool.

He's brilliant at football.
I'm a bit worried about my (1)                            Rebecca.

She hasn't got a job or a boyfriend at the moment.
Both my (m)                            wear glasses. I don't want to

wear glasses when I grow up.
My (n)                            is called Theresa and

my(o)                            is called Alan.
My five (p)                            are the best thing in my life. I

love those twins, Lizzie and Vicky.
My (q)                            Sylvia is a very clever girl. She'll

go far in life.


Write the missing prepositions in the sentences. Use these prepositions:
-at-  at    at    at    tor    for    in    in    in    in    in    on on on
1.             Lei's go somewhere exciting         at _ the weekend.
2.             Would you like to come lo my party                  Friday?
3.             Alice is going to Spain. She'll be away                   three weeks.
4.             I usually finish work                    four o'clock                  the afternoon.
5.             We got to London                  nine o'clock.
6.             They got married                    the twenty-first of August.
7.             She's in the police so she often has to work                  night.
8.             We arc now living                   the twenty-first century.
9.             We're going on holiday for three weeks                 _the summer.
10.         She went to Italy                  two weeks                    July.
11.         They met in Paris                 1982.
12.         You can't go to bed early                  New Year's F.ve!


Come in                                         : Masuklah / Silahkan masuk
Sit down, please                            : Silahkan duduk
Stand up, please                           : Silahkan berdiri
Open your book                           : Buka bukumu
Close your book                           : Tutup bukumu
Don’t open your book                 : Jangan buka bukumu 
Do you understand?                    : Apakah kamu mengerti?
Listen and repeat                         : Dengarkan dan tirukan
That’s great!                                  : Itu bagus
Let’s begin now                            : Mari kita mulai sekarang
Who is absent today?                  : Siapa yang tidak masuk hari ini? 
Please, come forward!                   : Tolong maju ke depan
Erase the white board                  : Hapus papan tulisnya
Have you finished?                     : Apakah kau sudah selesai?
 Come forward, please!              : Tolong maju ke depan!
Switch on the lamp!                     : Nyalakan lampunya!
It’s your turn!                                : Ini giliran mu!
Don’t disturb your friends!         : Jangan ganggu teman2 mu! 
Don’t be noisy!                          : Jangan ramai!
Do by yourself!                             : Kerjakan sendiri!

Our Activities

North               : Utara
: Menemukan
East                 : Timur
: Gerbang
South               : Selatan
: Pagar
West                : Barat
: Jembatan
Turn                : Belok
: Bundaran
Post office       : Kantor pos
: Perbatasan
Crossroad        : Perempatan
: Taman
Three junctions: Per3an
: Stadion
Dead alley       : Gang buntu
: Lapangan
Right side        : Sebelah kn
: Lurus
One line           : satu jalur
: Berliku-liku
Side walk         : Trotoar
: Melewati
Right                : Kanan
Go on
: Terus
Left                 : Kiri
: Jalan raya
Traffic light     : Lampu lalin
Post office
: Kantor pos
Traffic sign      : Rambu lalin
: Tanjakan

Desy : Excuse me, would you like to tell me the way to go to police station from post office?
Dea  :  It’s OK. If you want to go to police station from post office,  after getting out of the gate of post office you must turn right and then go straight on to the east for about 500 meters, you will pass Sekolah Menengah Pertama NW Cendekia Aiklomak and will find the first crossroad. From that crossroad, you must turn right and please go straight on to the south and you will pass the major’s office on your right side and will find the second crossroad again. From that crossroad, you must turn right again and go straight on to the west for about 200 meters and on your left side is police station.
Desy : Thanks for your information

Dea  :    You’re welcome

Demikian klarifikasi serta rumus dan tumpuan dari present tense yang semoga sanggup membantu teman-teman baik yang sedang berguru bahasa inggris atau hanya mencari refrensi ajah.. happy learning guys

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