✔ Tumpuan Teks Mc Bahasa Inggris
Contoh Teks MC Bahasa Inggris
Contoh Teks MC Bahasa Inggris Lengap dengan artinya - Master ceremony atau MC ialah orang yang bertugas sebagai tuan rumah sekaligus pemimpin program dalam pangung pertunjukan , hiburan, penikahan, dan acara-acara sejenis. Sumber; wikipedi.org.
Menjadi seorang MC merupakan hal yang harus dilakukan dengan serius dan profesional alasannya ialah baik dan lancarnya sebuah program itu tergantung dari host atau MC itu sendiri baik untuk mc yang berbahasa inggris ataupun mc indonesia.
Bailah teman-teman calon MC pada kesempatan ini saya akan membagikan tips menjadi MC serta pola MC bahasa Inggris yang di lengkapi dengan artinya.
MC bahasa Inggris
Bismillah. Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Good mornig ladies and gentlement
First of all, Let’s Praise be to Allah The Almighty/ Who has been giving us His blessing and mercies, so that, we can attend together in this good place, Without something wrong happen. Amin.
The secondly unforgetable, Sholawat and Salam to our best person, prophet Muhammad SAW, //Who has guided us from the darkness till to the lightness,/ from the bad character to the good one. as we hold today.
The Honorable Prof. Muh.Zhafran anggema udia anam as chairman of the English Language Department
The Honorable Mr. Hamdiani as the vice chairman of the English Language Department
And Mrs Hurna as the coordinator of the English Language Department
Well ladies and gentlement
Before we come to the main session let begin the ceremony by praying basmallah.
Pray based on individual belief begin......done
Ladies and gentlement on this nice occasion, let me deliver the structure of the ceremony today, as follows;
1. Opening
2. The Welcoming Speech from Prof. Muh.Zhafran anggema udia anam as chairman of the English Language Department
3. The welcoming Speech from Mr. Hamdiani as the vice chairman of the English Language Department
4. The General speech form mrs. Hurna
5. the quesation and answer session
6. Closing
Ladies and gentlement
let us open our ceremony by reading basmallah together
Now we Invite Prof. Muh.Zhafran anggema udia anam as chairman of the English Language Department time and place are yours
Thus the speech delivered by Mr. Hamdiani as the vice chairman of the English Language Department. Please welcome.
The Next one is speec h from Mrs Hurna, time and place is yours.
well ladies and gentlement
now we come into the main point, that is, seminar for the new students of english language department and the theme is " Succes In the Campus" which will be delivered by Mr. Sarbini. The time is Yours.
( Seminar Going on )
Thanks fro Mr Sarbini for the information and aknowledge which have been given us.
Well. Ladies and gentlement
While the next one is a question and answer session. For the audience that had participanted the ceremony just rising your hand and tell the name and waht semester you are.
( Question anda answer going on )
Theis is the end of question and answer session. thanks the participant for joining thins ceremony.
Ladies and gentlement
Finally we get to the last session in this ceremony that is clossing. let us close our ceremony by reading Hamdalah .
That all from us, and we ask apologisze to you are fro mistaken and mispronouncing
the last I say,
wassalamua'alaikum Wr. Wb.
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